This is Poppy's first Christmas but she's not sure if she's a "Pop Star" or
the star on the Christmas Tree.
Happy Holidays from Diana Hudson and family
PJ and Santa. She wasn't too impressed with him.
Merry Christmas to all from PJ, Kvass, Gretchen, & Rambo
"Happy Holidays from Ken, Linh, Kobey, and Lille"

Picture # 1 on left is: Becky is on the floor -Daisy is the half Papillon and of course
Miss Cinder who is thriving.
Picture # 2 is: Cinder alone with Santa
From Majie and

Happy Holidays...
Here's a photo of Ivy (due in Jan). She loves laying by the tree.
I don't have the heart to tell her it isn't real :-(
From Bren and the Ridgerunner Crew

Piper and Santa
Piper was 9 or 10 years old. She kept sliding on the floor so Santa had to prop her up a bit!
Chris Mayer ---

This is Wegian (about 2 years old).
"See - he really DOES exist!"
Marilyn Slaton

Loki Slaton
Loki is all dressed up for Santa
Marilyn Slaton

Moosedog's Lovely Lady
Here is one of Lady's last two pics...this was taken a few days before she passed on. I like it
cause she's got that irrepressible smile...
Geri Richardson ------

Here's my favorite Christmas photo of Rowdy. It was his first
Christmas with us, he's about 11 months old
From Sally Spear
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