Breed Books
· Elkhound and Finsk Spitz by Lady Kitty Ritsen, published in 1930's in
Great Britain
· How to Raise and Train a Norwegian Elkhound by Glenna Clark Crafts, 3
editions. 1)1964, (Int. Ch Trygvie Vikingsson with trophies on cover) ,T.F.H.
Publications, Inc., Jersey City, N.J. 2) with an elkhound standing in snow
-"American and Canadian Ch. Crafdal Tryg N. Thors Token, a top stud".
· My 60 Years with Norwegian Elghunds by Olav P. Campbell, 1988, Karen Elvin
has this book in stock ~~~E-Mail
· The New Complete Norwegian Elkhound by Olav Wallo, Copyright 1970, 1957
These are two separate books - one from 1957, one from 1970
· The New Complete Norwegian Elkhound by Olav Wallo, Copyright 1987
(third edition) ,1970, - Karen Elvin has this book in stock ~~~E-Mail
· Norwegian Elkhounds by Anna Katherine Nicholas, 1983, T.H.F. Publications
Inc, Jersey City, N. J.
· The Elkhound by Kitty C Heffer 1969, Twyning, Tewkesbury UK, republished by
the British Elkhound Club in 1985.
· The Elkhound in the British Isles by Anne Roslin-Williams, 1993 published
for Anne Roslin-Willliams, printed by Witherby & Co, London.
· The Norwegian Elkhound by Dr. Nina P. Ross, 1995, Doral Publishing Inc.,
Wilsonville, Oregon.
· Your Norwegian Elkhound by Helen E. Franciose and Nancy C. Swanson, 1974,
William F. Denlinger, Fairfax, VA.
· Vassfarbjornen by Edvard Elsrud (Norwegian text on Hunting for Bear in
Norway with photos of elkhounds with bears they had hunted.) 1975,
Grondahl & Son Forlag, Oslo, Norway.
· Om Elghunder og Elgjakt" 1949 , Norway "Elghunder, fra valp til elgfall" by Kare Vidar Pedersen, 1998, from Norway
written entirely in Norwegian, but wonderful photos of hunting elkhounds,
puppies, etc.instructions on ordering in the March April NEAA news. Lots
of color photos.
· "Howdy A Tribute To Ch.Vin-Melca's Howdy Rowdy". This book is 8.5 X 11,
paper back, and was printed in 1979 by the Village Printers in Los Gatos, CA.
It was published by the Howdy Rowdy Memorial Committee as a tribute to Howdy.
This is a 115 page pictorial of Howdy, his over 150 champion and titled
offspring, their dams, special wins, grand get, and a few great-grand get
with their accomplishments. It's a very special book, with limited copies as
it was printed at the expense of the Committee.
Children's or Story Books
· Of Gods and Dogs by Dr Nina P. Ross, 1994, Towery Publishing Incorporated,
Memphis Tenn.
· Puc Gray Dog of Norway by Dr Nina P. Ross, 1995, The Best of Times,
Pelham, Alabama.
· Rolf an Elkhound of Norway by Margaret S.Johnson and Helen Lossing Johnson.
1941, Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York.
· Snipp, Snapp , Snurr and the Reindeer by Maj Lindman, 1957, 1995,
Albert Whitman & Company, Morton Grove, Illinois.
· Snipp, Snapp, Snurr and the Seven Dogs by Maj Lindman (this includes a
black elkhound), 1959, Albert Whitman & Company, Morton Grove, Illinois.
· Sundance on the Mountain by Olav Wallo, 1987, Wallo Press, Viking Press,
Eden Prairie, MN.
· "Belinda" by Olive Bigelow Pell, 1968, Vantage Press (darling illustrations)
Story about a real elkhound.
· "Death Stalks the Khmer" by Pat Harrington
· "Death Comes Too Soon" by Pat Harrington
"A mystery series featuring Bridget O'Hern, and amateur sleuth, who has a Norwegian Elkhound
for a companion. Narvik, is actually the name of our family dog of 16 years. I think it's
very fitting to memorialize her with a fictional offspring who accompanies Bridget as
she "seeks her bliss," and finds bodies stewn on the path. My website is www.patriciaharrington,
and the book can be ordered at www.publishamerica.com or at amazon.com."
Miscellaneous Books where the Elkhound is featured
· Born to Win- Breed to Succeed by Patricia V. Craige, 1997, Doral
Publishing, Inc.
· Dogs by Rien Poortvliet, 1983, by Harry N. Abrams, New York. printed in
the Netherlands.
· On Talking Terms with Dogs :Calming Signals by Turid Rugaas,1997
Legacy by Mail, Kula, HI
· The Hunting Dogs of America by Jeff Griffen, 1964, by Doubleday & Company,
New York
· Understanding your Dog" by Eberhard Trumler, 1973,
Faber and Faber. Originally published as "Mit den Hund auf du" (R Piper &
Co. Verlag, Munchen 1971)
· All About Show Dogs by Sam Kohl 1981 Has a beautiful picture of
Glenna Crafts and Ch. Crafdal Tryg N Thors Token on the inside cover of the
book. No other reference to an elkhound, just all about dog shows.
Magazines, Journals and Annuals
· AKC Gazette issues November 1988 Nordic Breed issue(related articles and
Elkies Twelfth National ), April 1988(Elkhound cover)
· Arligg Norwegian Stud Directory 1968,1969 1970, 1971 published by Terry and
Linda Ege, Portland, Oregon.
· Bloodlines UKC Magazine issue March-April 1999 (Elkhound cover)
· Canadian Elkhounder published quarterly by the Norwegian Elkhound Club of
Canada, Editor Johannes DeViet, London Ontario.
· Dog Fancy Magazine, issues February 1986(Elkhound cover and breed profile
by Harold Shew), November 1994(Elkhound cover and breed profile by Patricia
Craige Trotter), April 1998 (Elkhound cover and breed article
"Dog of the Vikings by September B. Morn) All have numerous color
photographs to illustrate the articles.
· Dog World Magazine issue September 1999 (Elkhound cover and breed article
by Kim D. R. Dearth).
· The British Elkhound Club Journals and Elkhound News published by the
British Elkhound Club several times yearly.
· The Elkhound Anthology 1983 published by the NEAA (articles, artwork and
poetry, close-ups of Howdy and Harlo)
· Great Gray Dogs-The Norwegian Elkhound Factbook 1974 Edition published
by Great Gray Dogs, Shreveport, and LA.
· Great Gray Dogs-The Norwegian Elkhound Factbook 1980 Edition published by
Great Gray Dogs, Shreveport, LA. Available NEAA bookstore.
· The Elkhound Annual, Annual book published by Hoflin Publishing Company,
Wheat Ridge Colorado, 1996, 1997, 1998.
· The Elkhound Quarterly, Quarterly magazine published by Hoflin Publishing,
Wheat Ridge, Colorado from 1983 to 1995.
· Kennel Gazette, issue April 1998, Published by The Kennel Club, London
(features "The Judges Choice", and "Elkhound Collectibles".
· Norsk Elghund Quarterly, published quarterly published currently by
Papa Publications, Ginger Lawson since Summer 1994, published by Cotton and
Stan Silverman from Jan 1984 to 1994 and by Inger Halverson prior to 1984,
(1979 is earliest date I have.)
· Kennel Review: August, 1970 Spotlight show was Santa Barbara where
Ch. Vin-Melca's Vagabond went Best In Show with an entry of 3,674 dogs.
Cover dog was Ch. Rancho Dobes Maestro, Dobe, but page 1 inside is that
great photo by Smolley with Pat Craig Trotter and Bond in full stride.
Vagabond was top dogs all breeds that year(1970).
· Kennel Review March, 1983 Pictured on the front are Betty White with
Ch. Vin-Melca's Before Dawn. Inside are articles on Dr. Robert Indeglia
by Anna Katherine Nicholas and Kennel Review's Feature on the Hound Group.
Pictures inside of several Vin-Melca dogs.
· Kennel Review November, 1991 Pictured on the front is an action shot of
Ch. Vin-Melca's Bombardier. No special articles inside, but there is a
picture of Pat Craig Trotter in an open cockpit plane with Bombardier
sitting in her lap.

Compiled by Kari Olson