Olympic Torch Bearer
Owned by Amy Peterson
Votes: 47 0.9%
The Eagle has Landed!
Owned by Mallory Gollady & Marlene Oliver
Votes: 46 0.8%
Is there a doctor in the house?
Duke & Buddy, at Rainbow Bridge
Owned by Val & Mike Thompson
Votes: 43 0.8%
I'm Off To Sun Country!
Owned by Nicole Sorensen - Virginia Sawyer's granddaughter
Votes: 41 0.7%
American health care. Gone to the dogs....
Owned by Diane Nelson
Votes: 38 0.7%
Howl 'o Ween Nightmare: RUN!!! Mom has the camera out again!
Cody & Suzie
Owned by Steve & Candace McMaster
Votes: 34 0.6%